
Video to educate patients on bone density testing

Video to educate patients on bone density testing

A bone density test, also known as a DEXA-scan, can determine whether you have osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures. To prepare patients for this examination, Amgen, in collaboration with the Osteoporosis Patient Association and the Jan van Goyen Medical Center, has created a video. This video explains what patients need to know when they are scheduled for a DEXA-scan.

With this video, Amgen – and our partners - aims to raise awareness among patients about DEXA-scans. We have observed a "diagnosis gap" in the Netherlands, where many patients with osteoporosis remain undiagnosed. The DEXA-scan is an important tool to increase the diagnosis of osteoporosis in clinical practice.

Amgen believes it is crucial to support initiatives that improve underdiagnosis, undertreatment, and treatment adherence. Only through such efforts we can help to prevent bone fractures, reduce the need for care due to bone fractures and decrease healthcare costs.

Watch the video on the Osteoporosis Patient Association's website here Only available in Dutch