
Why a national healthcare data infrastructure is needed for suitable care

Patient care is our number one priority. Like many healthcare providers, we want to achieve the right care in the right place and prevent as much unnecessary care as possible. Smarter analytics can help us deliver appropriate care. To do that, however, we need data: data on what care a patient has received and what outcomes and health it leads to.

The data is currently there but stored in different databases. Due to the lack of linkages between systems, we are missing opportunities to improve the quality and efficiency of care. In addition, data exchange is the key to high-quality medical-scientific research, innovation and the optimal use of drugs.

Amgen advocates a national and privacy-friendly data infrastructure and is happy to think with you on how to set up such an infrastructure. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about how we can help.

More info:
Also read here Joep Rijnierse, medical director at Amgen Netherlands, on how we can remove the biggest obstacles to sharing data. (only available in Dutch)
Or download our whitepaper here (only available in Dutch)